full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Eve Ensler: What security means to me

Unscramble the Blue Letters

When V-Day met her, we asked her how we could support her and she said, "Well, if you got me a Jeep, I could get around a lot faster." So, we bhgout her a Jeep. In the year she had the Jeep, she saved 4,500 girls from being cut. So, we said, what else could we do? She said, "If you help me get money, I could open a house." Three years ago, Agnes oenepd a safe hsuoe in acfria to stop mutilation. When she began her mission eight years ago, she was reviled, she was detested, she was completely slandered in her community. I am proud to tell you that six mnoths ago, she was eeeltcd the deputy mayor of Narok.

Open Cloze

When V-Day met her, we asked her how we could support her and she said, "Well, if you got me a Jeep, I could get around a lot faster." So, we ______ her a Jeep. In the year she had the Jeep, she saved 4,500 girls from being cut. So, we said, what else could we do? She said, "If you help me get money, I could open a house." Three years ago, Agnes ______ a safe _____ in ______ to stop mutilation. When she began her mission eight years ago, she was reviled, she was detested, she was completely slandered in her community. I am proud to tell you that six ______ ago, she was _______ the deputy mayor of Narok.


  1. months
  2. bought
  3. opened
  4. house
  5. elected
  6. africa

Original Text

When V-Day met her, we asked her how we could support her and she said, "Well, if you got me a Jeep, I could get around a lot faster." So, we bought her a Jeep. In the year she had the Jeep, she saved 4,500 girls from being cut. So, we said, what else could we do? She said, "If you help me get money, I could open a house." Three years ago, Agnes opened a safe house in Africa to stop mutilation. When she began her mission eight years ago, she was reviled, she was detested, she was completely slandered in her community. I am proud to tell you that six months ago, she was elected the deputy mayor of Narok.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
real security 4
high school 3
safe house 2
vagina publicly 2
rift valley 2
vagina looked 2
primary resource 2

Important Words

  1. africa
  2. agnes
  3. asked
  4. began
  5. bought
  6. community
  7. completely
  8. cut
  9. deputy
  10. detested
  11. elected
  12. faster
  13. girls
  14. house
  15. jeep
  16. lot
  17. mayor
  18. met
  19. mission
  20. money
  21. months
  22. mutilation
  23. narok
  24. open
  25. opened
  26. proud
  27. reviled
  28. safe
  29. saved
  30. slandered
  31. stop
  32. support
  33. year
  34. years